A day when I don't pour myself onto a canvas is now unimaginable to me
Wade Edwards, Artist
Having come to the canvas later in my life than most artists, I have developed my own techniques as I began to establish my own art form. While respecting formal structures and approaches, I am most comfortable with throwing my whole self into my pieces and letting the brushes become my eyes. A day when I don’t pour myself into the canvas is now unimaginable to me. I look forward to exploring new forms and techniques and taking advantage of opportunities presented to me that are sparked by chance or spurred by my muses.
I have two favourite pieces in my collection which will always hold a special place in my heart, “Christy in Van City” and “Journey's End.” These two pieces are each a part of a collection of paintings I have done over the years, and I love them so much you will often see it as inspiration for my other works.
Christy Evans, who will forever be my muse, was the inspiration for the pieces in the collection “Christy in Van City.” She is an endless source of inspiration, so much so that even actions like exploring the streets of Vancouver with her sparks ideas and stimulate my creativity.

Christy in Vancity, Wade Edwards

Journey's End, Wade Edwards
"Journey's End" is a collection of paintings which was born from the many abandoned and broken bicycles that I have come across my travels. Each one I counter gives me an indescribable feeling of sadness or loneliness for that bicycle itself as I imagine where it came from or where it could have gone to.
“Echoes of Silence” is in an example of a painting that incorporates two of my most favourite themes to paint. In this painting, you will see an abandoned bicycle at the front that is normally featured in "Journey's End" and Christy in the distance walking down the city in her iconic red coat which is usually a recurring motif "Christy in Vancity."

Echoes of Silence, Wade Edwards

signed, physical copies available for purchase in our cafe for only CAD 34.95!
I also collaborated with a local poet, Kyle Hawke, and composed a book of poems titled "Whispers of Humanity." Our book features 25 poems, with each of the 64 pages personalized by my abstract and impressionist paintings. In words best described by Poet Laureate Emerita Candice James,"[the book] delves deep into the psyche of personal potential with clear resounding voice. Words married to colours, in a beautiful weave of evocative emotions and passionate paintings, lead us into a philosophical garden of vivid imagery and vibrant thoughts."